Monday, 8 October 2012

Trading Places

There is only one person in the whole wide world and throughout history and time who I would love to trade places with. His name is Jun Seba, also known as Nujabes. I chose him because he is my favorite music producer and his jazz-influenced songs just catches my ears' attention. He has worked with many underground artists and has gained recognition in such great and positive levels. You will never have any negative comments about him when you listen to one of his songs. 
Nujabes is my hero. His music has changed my life in so many ways. Majority of his songs are instrumental, but it seems like I hear him talking to me. He's one out of the many that can make a soul connection between a person and a song. It would be a great experience to think as him and explore his musical creativity. 

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Tech Toy

If I could have any tech toy , the tech toy that I would have would be the iPhone 5s. I chose a phone because I thought I might needed to upgrade from my keypad phone to touch screen. The iPhone 5s has many great qualities that make it handy and entertaining. It has a new feature which allows you to take a picture while you're recording so you can capture the once in a life time moments in your life. The iPhone is more than just a phone, it's a music player, it has GPS, amusing apps, access to the internet, it's everything! 
The iPhone 5s can make you stay in your room the whole day without getting bored. Our technology is advancing at such a high speed, pretty soon we wont need to lift a finger to do the everyday things in our lives. As technology advances, we should too. Hopefully the next iPhone would have a really cool feature like holograms. I would but that.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Koi Fish

This is a picture of  two koi fish circling each other. I have 10 reasons why this picture is my favorite and they are:

  1.  The two koi fish are creating a circle which represents everlasting life, repetition and infinity.
  2. The orange koi fish represents yin and the black koi fish represents yang. Yin and yang rely on each other to create balance in life.
  3. The koi fish is a potent symbol for embodied consciousness, happiness, beauty and determination.
  4. The Chinese say that when a koi fish swims up to the top of a waterfall in the Yellow River, the Gods transform the koi fish into a golden dragon. The waterfall in the Yellow River is called " Dragon's Gate."
  5. Koi fish also represent longevity because they are said to live from between 20-100 years old or more.
  6. I find inspiration in koi fish because they are smooth and swift swimmers. Smooth and swift are the things I apply in my break dancing. 
  7. My Bboy crew, Cypher Babiez, chose this picture because the two fishes create a cipher. In bboying, the cipher is where the rawness of battling someone occurs. The cipher is the true art of bboying.
  8. They make great pets. Having a pond full of koi fish brings tranquility and good luck.
  9. Koi fish also represents abundance because they swim in large schools.
  10. They look so cool! :)

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Adventure time in Japan

If could ever visit one place in the world, I would visit Japan. I chose Japan because everything from their culture, food, and land marks interest me. I would love to learn the Japanese language and attend to one of the local festivals. I would also like to taste and enjoy Japan's traditional food. I would visit majority of it's landmarks like temples and gardens to experience the genuine feel of Japan's atmosphere. Japan is a very beautiful country because of its colorful vegetation. The cherry blossom tree is one of the reasons I would like to go to Japan. I hope to one day stand by it's side and see its beautiful essence in person.
If I could take one person with me on this amazing trip to Japan, I would take my girlfriend. I know traveling with her will be exciting and fun since we share the same interests for the country. This trip will be a great opportunity to spend some quality time with her and just relax, not worrying about school and work.  If we save enough money and plan the trip ahead of time, traveling to Japan with my girlfriend will be possible!