Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Should Death Penalty Be Used To Punish Violent Criminals?

               I think the death penalty should be used to punish violent crimes. My reason for agreeing to the use of death penalty on violent criminals is because our taxes pay for their time in prison. The people in prison are fed three meals a day, have shelter, clothing, and they even have the opportunity to earn their degree in prison. I don't think its fair that we are paying for their benefits when they had done a violent crime in our society. My final reason why I agree the use of death penalty is because it is too dangerous to let a violent criminal out in society when they are finish with their time. I believe 3/4 of the criminals that exit prison for finishing their time will not change their ways and habits. 

Stress And It's Effect On Young People

           Stress is a body's way to react to a challenge. Stress typically describes a negative condition or a positive condition that can have an impact on an organism's mental and physical well-being. A typical teenager will confront a lot of stress in their lives. Some things that would cause a teenager to stress would be their academics, relationships with family and friends, or getting jobs. It is ordinary for everyone to experience stress, but too much of it can cause harm to one's body.
           Having too much stress will affect a teenager's body, mood, and behavior. Some effects a teenager will experience with their body would be headaches, muscle tensions, fatigue or sleeping problems. Effects with their mood would be anxiety, lack of motivation or depression and effect with their behavior would be angry out bursts, over eating or under eating and drug abuse. Stress can lead to a lot of unhealthy habits to a teenager's life and can lead harm or even death. If a teenager is aught of to cope with their stress, they are able to achieve the challenges they are faced and resolve problems in their lives.